Self-Awareness & Insight

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

– C.G. Jung

You think you know who you are.

We humans share an aptitude for self-deception. The vast majority of us – 95% if you ask researchers – think we’re self-aware.

The reality is that only 10-15% actually are.

You may be surprised by how much of human behavior is driven or caused by factors that are outside of our awareness. Even behaviors we’re certain we consciously choose are dripping with evidence that suggests otherwise – or that, at least in part, unconscious factors played a role.

But who are you, really?

How much of your behavior – to include your thoughts, emotions, choices, and reactions – do you imagine is rooted in factors of which you aren’t aware?

In dependency, conformity, or fear?

Heredity, or the way you were raised?

How much is merely habit?

How can you know?

Cultivating self-awareness and insight can help you identify and understand the reasons behind the way you live – the choices you make, the behaviors you enact, and the ways you feel.

Self-awareness is the ability to notice and experience your thoughts, behaviors, and emotions accurately and in the moment. Insight is an understanding of the reasons behind those thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

Each brings you to a fuller understanding of yourself and offers you a much less automated and reactionary existence, with subsequently more freedom.

In addition to acquiring more control over your existence and your experiences, research shows that with greater self-awareness and insight comes the ability to see yourself closer to the way others see you.

You’ll be more confident and a better communicator. You’ll cultivate stronger relationships and become a more effective leader.

How might an increase in self-awareness and insight impact your life? Your relationships? Your experience of yourself and the world around you?

Get to know the real you. Seize the day.

Once you’ve uncovered the underlying elements shaping your life, you can assess the extent to which they are serving you, and to what extent you’d like to keep, change, or let them go, to replace with something closely aligned with your most authentic and most desired self.

“All men should try to learn before they die what they are running from, and to, and why.”

– James Thurber

If you’re ready to realize the benefits an increase in self-awareness and insight can have on your life, call us today at
(719) 726-0094.