Service Members, Veterans, & First Responders

You’re on top.

Maintaining optimum mental wellness is a critical component of peak occupational performance.

You’re highly motivated, resilient, and mentally healthy. You were heavily screened to get where you are and consistently trained to stay there.

You’re exceptional.

Always prepared for danger, calm under stress, and in control of chaotic environments. You’re able to confront a dangerous situation one moment – and comfort a traumatized child the next.

This very specialized set of skills leads you to excel and to be able to assist others in situations and environments where most of the rest of us would be rendered helpless. However, despite these skills and the exciting parts of your career, over time, this work can take a toll, as can any particular experience.

And you want to stay that way.

Alongside offering help and excellent service to your community, you are regularly exposed to the worst that humanity has to offer and the worst that chance throws into your path.

Chronic exposure to acute traumatic events, along with occupational and environmental conditions common in this line of work, contribute to the fact that first responders and military personnel experience rates of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) far above the general population.

Police Officers and Firefighters are now more likely to die by suicide than in the line of duty.

You need to stay that way.

Maintaining optimum mental wellness is a critical component of successfully continuing your career.

And it’s critical to engage your life and relationships in pleasurable and meaningful ways.

But how?


Our work together will address resiliency and the impact of occupational stress and chronic exposure to traumatic events and why it’s so crucial that stress management becomes an individual imperative.

We will utilize EMDR and explore additional resources to promote better stress management and a higher level of personal wellness. Each extra resource translates into better job performance and effectiveness, and a more enjoyable life for you and your loved ones.

It can be tough.

The reasons behind the decision to seek treatment are incredibly complex – we know that.

We’ve worked with countless first responders and veterans who have suffered, some for over 50 years, after particular experiences. Many of these first responders believed that if they healed, they would, in some way, be disrespecting or forgetting those they had lost.

Or because they think they deserve the pain. The pain is somehow comforting, although it’s uncomfortable. And days, years, and decades have been lost to suffering and disengagement.

But it’s important.

The truth is, continuing to suffer does nothing to honor the lives of those lost; it merely takes another life – yours.

It can be a difficult road to be willing to choose to heal, and we understand if you’re not yet there.

And you are worth it.

If you’re ready to reclaim your life and to fully and successfully engage in your work and your relationships…

Or, if you want to begin sifting through what it might mean for you to start to heal…

Call now (719) 726-0094. Take some time to protect and care for yourself.